Quotation Blog #6

Freedom: My Book of Firsts by Jaycee Dugard
Jaycee Dugard is a very important person because of her ability to be positive and happy, but also not suppressing her past trauma. She was held captive for eighteen years where she was raped everyday. She was found in 2011 and brought to safety. Now she has moved on and is living her best life. The quote I chose is from her second book, Freedom: My Book of Firsts that she wrote herself.
"A grungy-looking old man inn dirty clothes stands on theside of the road. He's holding up a bright yellow sign with bold, black letters that read "SMIILE." A reminder to smile? How odd, I thought to myself. Do I really need a reminder to smile? I guess I do sometimes. I feel like the queen of smiling most days, and yet I needed to be reminded at times, too" (Dugard 25).
I can relate to Dugard's statement because I think everyone needs a reminder to smile at times. It is okay to be in a bad mood, or upset but there is always something to smile about. Life is full of up and downs, but being positive and having low expectations makes it a lot more enjoyable. Dugard's whole message is showing that moving on from the past is the key to positivity and living a healthy, happy life. Scientifically, just a smile, even if you force it will make you happier automatically. So if you are feeling down, just remind yourself to smile and count your blessings.
Image result for smile


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